Take a Seat

3 October - 16 November 2024
· Saelia Aparicio · Jess Allen · Alma Berrow ·  Marco Bizzarri  ·  Jenny Holzer · James Lomax · Christabel MacGreevy · Elias Peña Salvador · Emma Sheehy · Orfeo Tagiuri · Ai Weiwei · Franz West · 

LAMB Gallery is pleased to present Take a Seat, an exhibition that brings together an international group of contemporary artists, both emerging and established, to explore the tensions between the functionality and artistry of a commonplace object: the chair. A simple yet essential part of daily life, the chair serves as the central motif, presented through both painted and sculptural works that experiment with a variety of materials, weights, and textures. In this exhibition, chairs transcend their utilitarian role, becoming symbols of personal and collective memory, cultural significance, and artistic expression.


Through each artist’s unique interpretation, chairs are reimagined and repurposed, then placed into the narrative of the gallery space which provides an unconventional setting for the object. This gallery setting challenges the boundaries of viewing and interaction, as these objects, while still identifiable as chairs, cannot be used in their functional sense and an invisible wall is created. Therefore, as the playful title suggests, visitors instead are invited to “take a seat” in a metaphorical sense.